At Home...
Below are our articles on the subject of At Home. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Energy Performance Certificates & Climate Change
Energy Performance Certificates have been introduced so home buyers can see how energy efficient a property is. Find out more about the Energy Performance Certificate…...

Help Prevent Climate Change in Your Day-to-Day Living
A few simple changes to the way we live our day-to-day lives can help us all make our own contribution towards preventing climate change....

Home Dining and The Impact on Climate Change
The choices we make when we dine at home can have major effects on our carbon footprints and the whole of our personal contribution to climate change....

Home Information Packs & Energy Performance
Find out what Home Information Packs are, how they’re adding to the climate change debate, and how elements of the Pack will help to make our homes more green and…...

How Climate Change Affects Insurance Premiums
Worsening climate is increasing the amount of flood and extreme weather damage that we have to make an insurance claim for. Insurance premiums therefore will continue…...

How to Be a Low Carbon Citizen
Combating climate control requires individual effort. Being more aware of the way in which you currently do things, in the home, will help you make the necessary…...

How to Become a Carbon Neutral Family
Being carbon neutral is not just for big businesses; families, too can become carbon neutral and many of the changes needed to do it are surprisingly easy to make....

In the Bathroom: Impacting Climate Change
Next time you head to the bathroom, try and adopt some of our environmentally friendly and energy saving tips which are good for the environment and even your monthly…...

In the Garden: Impacting Climate Change
Our gardens are there to be enjoyed, so we’ve come up with some clever ways to minimise your garden’s impact on the environment. From hosepipes to patios to plant…...

In the Kitchen: Impacting Climate Change
Our kitchens are busy places - but it’s still easy implement greener practices. Help is at hand with our handy guide to going green in the kitchen, taking you through…...