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How to Encourage Sustainable Development

By: Anna Martin - Updated: 16 Jun 2018 | comments*Discuss
Sustainable Development Climate Change

Sustainable development is all about integrating all of our present day needs with the needs of society, the environment and global citizenship, in a way that does not compromise future generations. Sustainable development also promotes equality, independence, collaboration and empowerment. By maintaining all of our resources and protecting nature, so that future generations can also benefit, we encourage a sustainable society and environment to grow.

The Main Objective

Sustainable development has one main objective, which is to create balance between our social, environmental and economic needs, whilst maintaining equality and justice. The way in which we have chosen to live our lives, in the recent past, has been responsible for the damage that has been caused to the environment. We are polluting the Earth and consuming far more resources than we produce and are therefore damaging the development of future generations.

The poverty and environmental degeneration that we are currently experiencing must therefore be improved. Sustainable development offers a means of addressing our social, economic and environmental needs by providing a long-term approach to integrating our communities and conserving our resources.

Key Areas for Sustainable Development

The four key areas of sustainable development are: environmental protection, social progress and development, the conservation of our natural resources and steady economic growth. Through developing a better personal understanding of each of these important areas we can all take preventative and progressive measures to alter and improve the way we live.


We are all part of the environmental problems we have created. The way we live, and the manner in which we choose to travel, has impacted on our resources and environment. Our consumption generates pollution, which then leads to poor air quality and acid rain, which in turn encourages ozone depletion. Although we have unknowingly caused all that damage, sustainable development now enables us to become more responsible.

Becoming responsible world citizens enables us to empower communities – locally, nationally and globally – to work towards creating a cleaner future. By acquiring a better understanding of our world, through a global ethic, we enable ourselves to take responsible environmental action.

Preventative Measures to Make Positive Changes

Being willing to take preventative measures will help us work towards making positive changes in our lives, that do not further impact on the environment and society. By responding to the challenges of sustainable development individuals can take action to improve local, national and global communities. Learning how to make more informed choices, about using new technology, chemicals or activities, will also enable us to examine alternative methods and processes.

Taking anticipatory action also halts further damage and creates an opportunity to explore alternatives.

Preferable Futures for a Cleaner Environment

Creating desirable futures is possible. Sustainable development provides an opportunity to identify environmental, social and economic problems and issues and to construct an alternative future that has a cleaner environment and sustained economy. By addressing the issues concerning excessive pollution and consumption we will also be able to protect our natural resources. Empowering our communities will also provide quality education for future generations and an improved value system that everyone can benefit from.

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@Kaash - because you're thinking ahead of the game in order to make sure all bases are covered. Sustainability means an ongoing project, so in order to be sustainable you have to try to prevent the things that can go wrong.
EleM - 18-Jun-18 @ 11:40 AM
I need to know that how sustainable development promotes disaster management? please if anybody knows please let me know.
Kaash - 16-Jun-18 @ 3:07 PM
Plant more n more trees, slow down population increase, educate all, are few solutions
Abhi - 30-Sep-17 @ 1:45 PM
Its good but the problem is that i wish there had been more.Overall its a bloody good effort.
Trublac - 24-Aug-14 @ 8:34 AM
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